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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

Oh my. This last week has been so busy but so relaxing! I went camping and canoeing with the boy wednesday, thursday, and friday. it was wonderful. we cooked out on the grill and had a great time. its going to be a while till we see each other again and boy am i missing him.

on another note...i started sewing again! ive been thinking about it every day and just never sat down to do it but today was different. i started cutting and pinning and its almost done! whew. i forgot how much i enjoy sewing. i get started and i just cant stop. its great.

im in (almost) constant thought about my health...or more like body image. its something ive dealt with since i was in 6th grade and it hasnt changed. i go through phases where i eat well and excercise regularly but then ill quit for a while. when im not taking care of my body the way i should be i feel guilty. so guilty that it just fills my mind and makes me sick. so tonight i went for a run. not just a little 5 minute run, i went on a jog for an hour with my pup charlie. i didnt run the whole time seeing as how its been a while since i really worked out. but i ran in intervals for a whole hour! woohoo. it didnt seem like that long because i was having so much fun with it. i really hope that i will keep this up and get into better shape and just feel better.

xoxo, lynne

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Catching Up

i have so much of that to do. catching up, that is. i feel like it is almost pointless for me to even write on this blog because no one reads it! i have a huge desire to be an awesome blogger, one with hundreds of followers, giving great advice, advertising, and sharing my truly wonderful life, but i guess i just dont see it yet.

on a much happier note... im going on a camp and canoe trip tomorrow! woo hoo! im going with the boy for his birthday. we'll be camping 2 nights and canoing one day. i cant wait. also i am babysitting my cousins all weekend. so its going to be a busy week/end but it will all be fun. i hope to post lots of pictures this weekend!

Friday, June 4, 2010

It's been a while...

i havent blogged much at all lately. maybe because i am getting into the swing of my new schedule with living at home and working two different jobs while finding another. have so much less to do than during the semester, but i feel that i am just as busy. ive really been lacking in the photograph taking area so i decided to change that last night. my dear grandma miller had her 78th birthday last night. it was a wonderful night of celebration and im so blessed to have her in my life. i love family get togethers almost more than anything else in this world. the happiness that floods me is indescribable. here are quite a few photos of the evening.

*Grandma Miller on her 78th birthday

*The boy.

*Cutest little cousin, Jack. He looks all sweet and inocent here..haha.

*My pretty little sister, being a goof.

*The kids table
