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Friday, September 10, 2010

Busy Little Bee

Well it has been forever since I last posted on here. Classes have started, work has begun, and my social life has flourished. It is crazy going from lazy summer days spent at home to jam packed days and nights spent trying to juggle this thing we call life. I do love it though. I can already tell that this semester will be awesome. I feel like i have already grown a lot with my walk with the Lord, and just an overall maturity in understanding what is most important. It is so easy to skip class, not care about work, and completely avoid homework. I see the big picture though. I have a passion to do big things in my life, and i know that i cannot get there without being here first. It gets hard sometimes to remember that but as long as i can go back to that it helps me through.

I had the most lovely weekend. I got to enjoy time with many friends, family, and myself. Friday night the boy and i went to artwalk and had a blasty blast. The night was filled with cupcakes, hookah, friends, laughing, good music, and the simplicity of each others company. Saturday morning i ran my first 5K! woohoo! i wasnt so great at it. but i did it. It really challenged me to start running on a regular basis so that i can actually be good at it, hah. Somehow it is already the next weekend. I am not so sure how that happens. how five days can just run right past me without me stopping in them. but it has, once again.

I was sick most of the week and today i stayed in and slept. It felt good. tonight i have plans to go to my parents house with the boy and two of our dear friends to watch an international fireworks display that is going on near the end of my road. this is a big thing for such a small town. and i am more than excited to share it with friends and family.

last weekend...

the boy and i on our way to artwalk
hally... so silly.
The Cup. cutest new cupcake joint in town. and to.die.for red velvet cupcakes.
the assortment of flavors chosen by the group

my bestest friends in the world

a country campfire
oh how i love them

the end.

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